Les professionnels découpent le sashimi à l'aide de longs couteaux à "lame de saule" (yanagiba). Pour couper le poisson d'un seul coup, les professionnels utilisent des couteaux dont la lame atteint 30 cm, mais vous pouvez vous contenter de 21 cm.
La confection du chirashi-zushi prend énormément de temps car chaque ingrédient doit être préparé et cuit séparément. Mais c'est aussi cela qui rend ce plat si attrayant et festif !
President Matsumoto of Arita Seiyo Co., Ltd. wants to inform people throughout the world of the excellence of Arita porcelain, while my desire is to spark a resurgence of the Arita porcelain on which Japan prides itself in Europe. His conviction and my desire inevitably came together, and so over the six months we tried our best on the main stage of Paris, which is the global leader in luxury trends. We began by exhibiting at MAISON & OBJET in September.
Bonjour! Here I am reporting on ARITA SUSHI BAR, held at the Discover Japan event in Paris last Sep in 2014. First of all, I will guide you to the store, Discover Japan, now displaying a full line of works including, typically, the JAPAN series offered by ARITA PORCELAIN LAB, which enjoyed a good reputation at Maison et Objet.